Creator Spotlight: Gondwana City Productions

Creator Spotlight: Gondwana City Productions


About The Channel: 


Gondwana City is a StarNews Mobile channel featuring exclusive behind-the-scenes content for the numerous different comedy series produced by Gondwana City Productions. Founded in 2012 by comedian Mamane, Gondwana City Productions is dedicated to producing and sharing quality African Comedy. 


An Interesting Fact About Mamane: 


In October 2019, Mamane was named Climate Change Goodwill Ambassadeur by the Climate Commission Of The Sahel Region (CCRS). As an ambassador, Mamane uses his popularity to raise awareness of the problems of climate change in the region.


Why Gondwana City Productions Joined StarNews


Gondwana City Productions joined StarNews Mobile because StarNews Mobile offers a unique and creative way to monetize their content and diversify their revenue streams. StarNews Mobile helps African artists, influencers, companies, etc., with content production, monetization, and discovery. 


Additionally, unlike other platforms, every month, StarNews Mobile produces content for and manages the Gondwana City channel. The StarNews Mobile team has already produced roughly a year’s worth of content for their channel and continues to create content to keep their channel relevant and appealing to their subscribers. 


Gondwana City Production’s Results  On StarNews Mobile 


Account Launched:: April 2020

Lifetime Subscribers: 142k subscribers

Type of Content: Behind-The-Scenes

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